Evolution of Video Propaganda

As a medium, video is extremely useful as a vessel for propaganda during times of conflict. It encompasses image and sound to create a desired effect, usually an underlying sense of patriotism coupled with a hatred of the enemy. Throughout history there have been many various propaganda campaigns with varying degrees of success, on both […]

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Broadcasting conflict

Broadcasting conflict Audio as a medium has several aspects. Audio is a way to broadcast news and deliver messages to a large audience. News broadcasting is the medium of broadcasting of various news events and other information via television, radio or internet in the field of broadcast journalism. Radio news is transmitted through the medium of the radio. It is based […]

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Propaganda In Comics During WWII

The purpose of any propaganda campaign is to change the ideals and beliefs of the target audience and align them with the creator’s desired views. There is a specific shift of attitudes a propagandist is attempting to create in the general public through their media. An example of this is the character of Superman and […]

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